And Why The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is not so "friendly".![]() When I published the book “The Vaccine-Friendly Plan” with co-author Jennifer Margulis in 2016, this was a shot across the bow of the CDC. I was essentially saying: there is a better way, a safer way to vaccinate. Let me be absolutely clear about the data that prompted this book. I was seeing too many children regressing into severe, non-verbal autism and children were sick all the time, with repeated infections and more and more chronic conditions. WHY? That is the question every doctor, parent and you would think the CDC, NIH and public health officials would want to ask! As I looked at the data from my practice at that time, one thing was clear; the unvaccinated had no autism. To me autism was the canary in the coal mine. These children were warning us that something very horrible was happening, and it was clear and is crystal clear now, that it is something we are doing. IATROGENIC! Meaning we the doctors, we, are doing something that is harming our children. I was aware of the environmental toxins that are harmful. But it was becoming clear that vaccines were perhaps the biggest environmental toxin. Afterall, we inject toxins like mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde and much more, bypassing the usual way our body keeps toxins out of the body when we eat, drink or inhale toxins. The Oregon Medical Board (OMB) started papering me with requests for data, basically fishing for some way to discredit the facts in my book. They had no patient complaints against me, which is typically what prompts a medical board investigation. In early 2019 I got the letter that should change the world. The OMB asked that I prove that the Vaccine-Friendly Plan was as safe as the CDC vaccine schedule. So, we did. I hired an outside independent highly qualified expert pediatrician, informatics expert to pull the data for every child born into my practice and look at all health outcomes, comparing them to the number of vaccines each child received. This was real world data. The most powerful of all data. What did we find? The unvaccinated were significantly healthier when compared to age matched vaccinated children in my practice. Typically, 400-500% (4-5X) healthier. ![]()
Here’s the real shocker … These vaccinated children were all essentially following some slower alternative vaccine approach. Essentially, they were Vaccine-Friendly vaccinated! They had less than half the vaccines that a CDC-vaccinated child would have. They rarely had the Hepatitis B vaccine at birth or in early childhood. They were taking only one aluminum containing vaccine at a time. They were generally waiting until at least age 3 to get the MMR. They would generally stop vaccinating if they saw any issues with the development of their child. Take home message: The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is not “friendly” enough. To say this another way; there are no safe vaccines! PERIOD.
Let me emphasize one important take home message for parents who are vaccinating. You can stop at any time. My data, later analyzed and published by Lyons-Weiler and Blaylock ( shows that your child’s health outcomes if you stop vaccinating, will be twice as good as those for children who continue to get vaccines. This publication also looked at the reasoning behind the retraction of the paper above and found “using a variety of exhaustive methods, that the anonymous reader’s concerns that led to the retraction of Lyons-Weiler and Thomas (2020) were unfounded.” So, what was the effect of the OMB emergently suspending my license on December 3rd. 2020? This was done a few days after my publication above showing how incredibly well unvaccinated children did when it comes to all health outcomes, became available online. I could not see or interact with any patient, and effectively I lost all insurance contracts, board certifications and the other state licenses eventually followed removing my ability to practice medicine anywhere. My practice which had over 15,000 active patients dwindled over three years to under 6,000 and we lost several providers who were fearful of being associated with me. I am now retired. I am now free to speak and share honestly with the world. I can educate and coach which I do at: It is time we hold medical boards accountable. Too many of the country’s best physicians have lost their licenses, been let go from their jobs or are in the process of fighting for their careers, board certifications and licenses to practice medicine. My effort to hold the OMB accountable is now in the appeal process. My attorney Steve Joncus is doing the heavy lifting and all his work can be seen here: At the end of his summary is a link to all the documents he has filed on my behalf. Here is what he says:
Jeremy Hammond wrote a masterpiece book that outlines the journey I had with the medical board leading up to the emergency suspension. It is a great read with a lot of my life story as well. My gratitude goes out to the thousands of families that put their trust in me over my career, who shared their heartbreaking stories about what happened to their child or children following vaccines. These families have nothing to gain personally when they share their stories. They do so to warn future parents.
A Comprehensive Guide by Paul Thomas M.D. and DeeDee Hoover for Informed Decision-Making at Every Life Stage
Discover the essential guide to informed vaccination decisions with "VAX FACTS. What to consider before vaccinating at all ages and all stages of life" by renowned pediatrician Paul Thomas M.D. and dedicated parent advocate DeeDee Hoover, known as Just a Mom. Building on the success of Dr. Paul's acclaimed "The Vaccine-Friendly Plan," this book provides a comprehensive, easy-to-understand resource for parents, caregivers, and individuals of all ages.
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research:, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
- Informative
- Controversial
- Science-based
- Peer-reviewed
- To the point
- Important
Dr. Paul Thomas
Dr. Paul Thomas is an award-winning Dartmouth-trained pediatrician with nearly 30 years of experience in pediatrics. He is an expert on addiction and in Addiction Medicine. He is the co-author of the forthcoming book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan: Dr. Paul’s Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health—from Pregnancy through Your Child’s Teen Years (Ballantine 2016).
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