My Research Philosophy
Perhaps the greatest tragedy befalling the American people, is the corporate take-over of science and the loss of scientific independence and integrity in our institutions of higher education – once the best in the world, and the loss of independence for our peer reviewed journals.
It is my goal to bring to your attention research that is vital but has been forgotten or intentionally ignored. I will also bring to your attention research that is controversial but important.
If you have 100 studies that show no link between autism and vaccines does that prove there is no link? Not at all if the study design is wrong.
What if there were 100 articles that showed no link between tobacco and lung cancer? There were – paid for by the tobacco companies.
The challenge with much of the research being published to disprove the link between vaccines and autism or vaccines and health problems, is that they are setting up the studies to look at outcomes that won’t matter. By design the studies will not show anything and are relatively meaningless. What we need when it comes to vaccines and autism or other long-term damage are long term studies comparing fully vaccinated or partially vaccinated children to unvaccinated children.